How it works
The new award-winning NoriZite™ Nasal Spray contains a carefully balanced blend of natural ingredients, scientifically proven to provide excellent spray coverage, helping to enhance the body’s natural protection mechanisms by, sticking to the lining of the nose, and creating a long-lasting physical barrier that traps airborne viruses and eliminates them from the nose via the body’s own clearance pathways, before they can cause infection. Scientifically shown to be highly effective against airborne viruses such as the COVID virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)[1-2].
Provides high coverage which lasts
NoriZite™ Nasal Spray is an easy-to-use protective nasal spray with a unique formulation that targets one of the main sites of infection - the nose. The spray works by combining two naturally derived ingredients: iota-carrageenan, with a natural ability to anchor to the virus’s surface, holding it in the sprayed layer, and; gellan gum, which enhances sprayability and mucoadhesion ensuring effective widespread coverage of the nose[3]. This scientifically proven formulation allows the highly viscous, ”gel-like” material, to create a fine mist known as a ‘PLUME’ rather than a ‘JET’, preventing build-up which can often lead to discomfort and the sensation of a “runny” or dripping nose[1]. This more even layer can then provide up to six times more surface coverage than other nasal sprays, which can still be detected for up to six hours after application[4]: outperforming many other standard nasal sprays on the market.
Physically traps the virus and protects the cells
Triple action protection
wide spread for maximum protection
forms a thick layer to prevent the virus contacting the nasal lining
anchors the virus in the spray so that it can be naturally eliminated
Completely neutralises infection
Laboratory studies showed that the unique NoriZite™ formulation developed by the Healthcare Technologies Institute at the University of Birmingham can block the SARS-CoV-2 infection of cells, in culture. The research confirmed the complete inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection for up to 48 hours when exposed to the unique blend of carrageenan and gellan gum[1]. In new emerging research, the University of Birmingham researchers have further demonstrated the ability of NoriZite™ to create a physical barrier against other variants[2]. The researchers found that the layer of NoriZite™ Nasal spray was able to completely blocked diffusion of the different strains, preventing any infection of the cells. In the absence of the NoriZite™ Nasal Spray layer, all virus strains diffused through to infect cells, leading to cell death. These results suggest that NoriZite™ can prevent viruses from infecting local cells by providing a powerful barrier that physically blocks virus particles.
Non-specific targeting mode of action means it is more effective against a wide range of viruses and strains.
Fluorescence micrographs of the cells following incubation with viral suspension. In cells treated with a layer of NoriZite™ Nasal Spray, no infection was observed for any variant of SARS-CoV-2.
NoriZite™Nasal Spray, with blend of natural ingredients, demonstrated high level of cell tolerability.
Fluorescence micrographs show reduced cell numbers in cells treated with a layer of non-carrageenan-based nasal sprays on the market, following viral infection. White dots indicate living cell nucleus.
NoriZite ™ Nasal Spray, with a high viscosity carrageenan formula, exhibited excellent shielding ability to block virus infection, compared to another low-viscosity carrageenan-based nasal spray. The more viscous NoriZite™ means that it can trap the virus more effectively as it cannot diffuse through it.
Fluorescence micrographs show no infection was observed in the presence of the viscous NoriZite™ Nasal Spray layer whilst some infection (green dots) was observed in another carrageenan-based nasal spray with lower viscosity.
The science behind the spray
Hear Professor Liam Grover from the Healthcare Technologies Institute at the University of Birmingham explain the scientific research behind the NoriZite™ formulation.
Moakes, R. et al. Formulation of a Composite Nasal Spray Enabling Enhanced Surface Coverage and Prophylaxis of SARS-COV-2. Advanced Materials. 2021. 33(26), 2008304.
Data held on file by Birmingham Biotech LTD.
Robinson, T. et al. Low Acyl Gellan as an Excipient to Improve the Sprayability and Mucoadhesion of Iota Carrageenan in a Nasal Spray to Prevent Infection With SARS-CoV-2. Frontiers in Medical Technology. 2021. 3, 687681.
Nasal Swab samples analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled UV-Vis spectroscopy - study conducted by LabWide Solutions HK Ltd.